Discrete Numeric Functions and Generating Functions
Discrete Numeric Functions and Generating Functions
function : binary relation that assigns to each element in domain a unique value which is element in range
discrete numeric function / numeric function
- functions whose domain is natural numbers and range is set of real numbers
- denote n.f.
Manipulation of numeric functions
sum of two n.f.'s : n.f. whose value at r is equal to sum of values of two n.f.'s at r
product of two n.f.'s : n.f. whose value at r is equal to product of values of two n.f.'s at r
$a$ is an n.f.; $\alpha$ is real number > $\alpha a$ is an n.f.
$a$ is an n.f. > $|a|$ is an n.f.
$a$ is an n.f.; i is a positive integer > $S^ia$ is an n.f.
$a$ is an n.f.; i is a positive integer > $S^{-i}a$ is an n.f.
$a$ is an n.f. > accumulated sum of $a$ is n.f.
$a$ is an n.f. > forward difference of $a$($a_{n+1} - a_n$), $\Delta a$ is n.f.
$a$ is an n.f. > backward difference of $a$($a_n - a_{n-1}$), $\Delta a$ is n.f.
$S^{-1}(\triangledown a) = \triangle a$
convolution : a and b are n.f.'s > convolution of a and b, c = a * b is n.f.
Asymptotic behavior of numeric functions
asymptotic behavior of n.f. : how the value of function varies for large r
asymptotic dominance : Let a and b n.f.'s. a asymptotically dominates b, or b is asymptotically dominated by a, if there exist positive constants k and m such that $|b_r|\leq ma_r$ for $r\geq k$
- for given discrete n.f. $a$, let $O(a)$ denote set of all n.f. that are asymptotically dominated by $a$
- read "order a" or "big-oh of a". When $b\in O(a)$, simply say $b$ is $O(a)$
(a, b, c are n.f.'s; $\alpha$, $\beta$ are constants; i is positive integer)
1. $a$ is $O(a)$
2. If $b$ is $O(a)$, $\alpha b$ is $O(a)$
3. If $b$ is $O(a)$, $S^i b$ is $O(S^ia)$
4. If both $b$ and $c$ are $O(a)$, then $\alpha b +\beta c$ is $O(a)$
5. If $c$ is $O(b)$ and $b$ is $O(a)$, $c$ is $O(a)$
6. It is possible that $a$ is $O(b)$, and $b$ is also $O(a)$
7. It is possible that $a$ is not $O(b)$, and $b$ is not $O(a)$
8. It is possible that $c$ is both $O(a)$ and $O(b)$, while $a$ is not $O(b)$ and $b$ is not $O(a)$
$O(r!)\supset O(\alpha^r)\supset O(r^i)\supset O(r)\supset O(log r)\supset O(1)$
Let $A$ and $B$ be two sets of n.f.'s
- $A+B = \{a+b|a\in A, b\in B\}$
- $\alpha A = \{\alpha a | a\in A\}$
- $AB = \{ab|a\in A, b\in B\}$
Let $a$ and $b$ be n.f.'s
- If $b$ is $O(a)$, $O(a)\supseteq O(b)$
- If $b$ is $O(a)$ and $a$ is $O(b)$, $O(a)$ = $O(b)$
- $O(a)$ + $O(a)$ = $O(a)$
- If $b\in O(a)$, $O(a)$ + $O(b)$ = $O(a)$
- $\alpha O(a)$ = $O(\alpha a)$ = $O(a)$
- $O(a)O(b)$ = $O(ab)$
For given n.f. $a$, let $b\in \Omega (a)$ such taht ther exist positive constants k and m with $|b_r|\geq ma_r$ $(r\geq k)$
For given n.f. $a$, let $b\in \Theta (a)$ such taht ther exist positive constants m, m', and k with $ma_r\leq |b_r| \leq m'a_r$ $(r\geq k)$
- which means b is both $O(a)$ and $\Omega (a)$ then b is $\Theta (a)$
Generating functions
For given x and y, ther are alternative ways of calculating xy and x/y.
n.f. can be represented by an alternative way
For an n.f. $(a_0,a_1,\cdots ,a_r,\cdots )$, define an infinite series
generating function g.f. : $a_0 + a_1z+a_2z^2+\cdots +a_rz^r+\cdots$
g.f. of $b=\alpha a$ is $B(z)=\alpha A(z)$
g.f. of $c=a+b$ is $C(z)=A(z)+B(z)$
g.f. of $b_r=\alpha^ra_r$ is $B(z)=A(\alpha z)$
g.f. of $S^ia$ is $z^iA(z)$
g.f. of $S^{-i}a$ is $z^{-i}[A(z)-a_0-a_1z-\cdots - a_{i-1}z^{i-1}]$
g.f. of $b=\triangle a$ is $B(z) = z^{-1}[A(z)-a_0]-A(z)$ // $b=(a_1-a_0,a_2-a_1,\cdots )$, $B(z)=g.f.(a)-g.f.(S^1a))$
g.f. of $c=a*b$ is $C(z)=A(z)B(z)$
Combinatorial problems
$a_r=C(n,r)=\Sigma_{i=0}^r C(k,i)C(n-k,r-i)$
we can write $a=d*e$ where
$D(z) = C(k,0)+C(k,1)z+\cdots + C(k,k)z^k$
$E(z) = C(n-k,0)+C(n-k,1)z+\cdots + C(n-k,n-k)z^k$
That is, $A(z) = D(z) E(z)$
Therefore, $A(z) = [(C(1,0)+C(1,1)z]^n = (1+z)^n$
prove $C(n,r)=C(n-1,r)+C(n-1,r-1)$
method 1. algebraic manipulation
method 2. combinatiorial argument
method 3. generating function
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